Consistent, clear, on-brand content is vital for building trust in Brooke, understanding of the issues and support for our mission.

This guide is for everyone creating or contributing to Brooke content in any of its forms. It describes how we communicate our ideas simply and accurately, express our brand clearly and consistently, and connect with our audience in a positive way.

Grammar and style

Upper, or lower case? Dash, or hyphen? It's, or its? And is it ever OK to use an exclamation mark?! While everyone has their own…

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Grid system for print Brooke works on a six-column grid, which is common for most publications. Six-column grids provide flexibility to format content in single,…

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Headings and subtitles provide structure to the page. They help readers scan content quickly to find what they want and they break up long pages. Headings…

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Icons are useful for communicating important points while minimising text. Icons can be especially helpful when communicating with audiences whose first language is not English.

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Images and photography

Brooke’s photography portrays real-world examples of working horses and donkeys in challenging environments. Individuals within FundComm are responsible for ensuring their knowledge relating to animal…

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Inclusive language

At Brooke we create content that welcomes everyone, and takes care not to exclude anyone. That means being thoughtful and deliberate when we're writing about…

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Lists are useful for website content writing. They help readers scan a page, improve SEO, and generally help writers condense wordy sentences into clear, succinct…

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Our logo represents our mission to end the suffering of working horses and donkeys. The logo shows a horse and donkey moving away from the…

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Maps, graphs and diagrams

Use Brooke’s colour palette when creating maps, graphs and diagrams. We are steadily adding infographics to Webdam - see this folder. If you are comissioning…

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Our messaging defines how we talk about Brooke in general. Brooke is creating a world where working horses, donkeys and mules are free from suffering…

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In text, numbers one to nine should be written as words. Numbers above nine should be written as numerals: Working for Brooke, you get up…

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Ampersands Use sparingly, and only if they are part of a title or name (”Johnson & Johnson” i.e.). Otherwise, spell out “and”, even in headings.

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Pull quotes These are short quotes that appear in a box to the right of the main content. They must be concise. These are longer…

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An important component of our voice and tone is the way in which we tell our stories. As a charity whose work can only happen…

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